Cass County (Ill.) Farm Directory
Issued January, 1931

Containing a list of farm residents of the county, together with information as to rural route number and post office address, distance and direction from post office, telephone number, whether owner or renter, varieties of purebred live stock and poultry raised, township, etc., listed in alphabetical order.

Published and Mailed Free to Farmers Through the Co-operation of
Cass County Farm Bureau

In reading this directory, keep in mind that name and initials come first, followed by rural free delivery number and post office address, distance and direction of farm from post office address, telephone number, whether owner or renter as designated by an O or an R, then varieties of purebred livestock and poultry, if any, enclosed in parenthesis. Name of township is given at end of line.

Distance and direction is from post office address unless otherwise given. Where telephone number is given that number is from the same exchange as the post office address unless stated otherwise.



Arenzville, Illinois

Arenzville with a population of 500, is in Arenzville township. The town is over 100 years old.

Present city officials: Conrad Hahling, mayor; Wier Hierman, clerk; Geo. A. Brockhouse, police judge; H. C. Brockhouse, John Zulauf, Jr., Wm. Van Herck, Harold Wessler, councilmen.

Arenzville has two grade and one high schools; four churches and three lodges.

Business firms: Two banks, five garages, one furniture store, three implement stores, two elevators, one lumber yard, three general merchandise stores, three grocery stores, one harness shop, two cream stations and one cafe.

Ashland, Illinois

Ashland, with a population of 1125, is in Ashland township. It was founded in 1868.

Present city officials: S. D. Dannenberger, mayor; O. N. McDaniel, clerk; D. E. Wilson, police judge; Walter Remerscheid, D. S. Hexter, Guy Thompson, Frank Batterton, H. R. Quinley, Carl Yancey, councilmen.

Schools: One grand and one high.

Churches: Methodist, Christian, Baptist and Catholic.

Lodge and societies: Masons, Odd Fellows, Woodman, Eastern Star, Rebekahs, Royal Neighbors.

Business firms: Two banks, one furniture store, two elevators, two implement stores, one meat market, one bakery, five groceries, four garages, one lumber yard, two hardware stores, one dry goods store, one jewelry and gent's furnishing store, one funeral home.

Ashland is on highways No. 3 and No. 125.

Beardstown, Illinois

Beardstown, in the township of the same name was laid out in 1850 by Enoch C. March and Thomas Beard. It has a population of 8,000.

Present city officials: F. M. Condit, mayor; R. B. Maslin, clerk; Geo. N. Farrar, chief of police; J. H. Hansmeyer, Chas. E. Phelps, Wm. Schlueter, John J. Caldwell, E. F. Hunter, W. H. Bockmeyer, W. G. McKenzie, Ed. French, Wm. Scullion and Carl W. Harre, aldermen.

Beardstown has most excellent railroad facilities, which give passenger and freight service directly to the markets of this great nation. Each of the two splendid systems employ many men, who, with their families, reside in the city and make up a large percentage of the population.

There are no better schools in Illinois and the high school building, together with four excellent grade buildings, and one parochial school, are equipped so that the youth may receive an education to fit them to cope with questions, when their time to head affairs is at hand.

Religious organizations are well represented and beautiful edifices are built in which the gospel is preached and a constant service to uplift moral standards and train men and women to live the better life is being waged by pastors and members.

Many lodges, fraternities, and beneficiaries have local chapters in Beardstown and the members are daily practicing the good things taught from rituals, thus creating a better feeling of fellowship.

A city library from which books can be obtained, free of cost, is at the disposal of any seeking the best of literature. There is immediately west of this building, a woman's comfort station. Opposite these buildings to the north is the city park, an ideal shady nook, in which to rest awhile from the heat. Running water as pure as the purest, is supplied in the park from sanitary bubblers.

Highway No. 3 crosses the Illinois river here and the cheapest toll bridge in the state is owned by this city. A toll charge of twenty five cents for round trip is made.

The financial institutions, one National and two State Banks are united and behind civic enterprises, ready to thoroughly cooperate in building the entire community. There are also three Building and loan organizations to aid in purchasing homes or building new ones for any who wish to be free from renting.

Business firms include dealers in automobiles, tractors, farm implements, engines, pumps, harness, lumber, building material, fencing, see, fertilizer, oil, gas, electrical equipment, stock food, dairy supplies, tanks, silos, sewing machines, phonographs, pianos, radios, musical instruments, and washing and ironing machines; also grocery stores, meat markets, ice cream factories, bottling works, four mill, feed stores, confectionery stores, bakeries, cigar factories, drug stores, ice factories, furniture dealers, toy shops, barbers, hair dressers, insurance agencies, real estate dealers, doctors, lawyers, dentists, cleaners and dyers, laundries, pool and billiard halls, coal and fuel dealers, florists, plumbers, pipe-fitters, blacksmiths, garages, telegraph and telephone offices, poultry dealers, hatcheries, restaurants, second hand stores, taxicab lines, theaters, clothiers, dry goods, shoe dealers, hardware dealers, printers, publishers, merchant tailors, milliners, hotels.

Chandlerville, Illinois

Chandlerville, with a population of 900, was laid out in 1848 and chartered in 1861.

Present city officers: Chas. Amant, mayor; Geo. W. Armstrong, police judge; Wm. Jardon, Sr., marshal.

Schools: One grade; one high.

Churches: Congregational, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran and Christian.

Lodges and societies: Masons, Royal Neighbors, Rebekahs, Odd Fellows, Eastern Star.

Business firms: Furniture store and funeral director, four garages, two elevators, three general stores, two implement stores, two hardwares, one drug store, one jewelry store, one shoe store, five groceries, two cafes, one harness shop, one poultry and produce station.

The town was known as Panthers Creek. In 1848 Dr. Chandler laid out and platted the town and in 1861 is was renamed Chandlerville after Dr. Chandler, the founder. Abraham Lincoln helped in surveying the town. It is on highway No. 78.

Virginia, Illinois

Virginia, in Virginia township, was founded in 1836 by Dr. Henry H. Hall. It has a population of 1250.

Present city officers: Chas. Paul, mayor; W. M. J. Devlin, clerk.

School: One grade and one high.

Churches: Presbyterian, Christian, Methodist, Catholic and Baptist.

Lodges: Masons, Odd Fellows and M.W. A.

Business firms: Two banks, one elevator, two furniture stores, one hotel, three cafes, six oil stations, two lumber yards, six grocery stores, two meat markets, one book and gift store, newspaper, telephone exchange, produce markets, general stores, drug stores and other lines of business.

Virginia is on State Route Nos. 3 and 78. It is on an old time trail from Springfield to Beardstown.

The first settlers of the town were from the State of Virginia.