Biographical Sketch of
Christian French
from the
History of Cass County, Illinois

Edited by William Henry Perrin
Published by O. L. Baskin & Co. Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1882.

Reprinted in 1968 in its in entirety as part of the
Sesquicentennial History of Cass County, Illinois
Edited by Virgil M. Dowdall

    CHRISTIAN FRENCH, blacksmith, Arenzville; is a native of Bavaria, Germay, born July 24, 1835, son of John and Louisa (Wolf) French. John French was born in Germany in 1810; was by trade a locksmith, and died in 1846; his wife died 1879; they were the parents of six children. Christian received his education in his native country, where he attended school for seven years, and 1858, came to this country. He learned the blacksmith's trade, in Cleveland, Ohio, and has sinced worked at that occupation. In Beardstown, in 1861, he married Sarah E. Norton, a native of Wheeling, W. Va., who has borne him ten children: Mamie, Ollie, Edward, Ida, Harry, Walter, Leroy G., and three others, who died in infancy. Mr. French is connected with the Lutheran Church; is a member of Lodge No. 346, A. F. and A. M. at Concord, Ill., and of Beardstown Chapter; is also a member of Lodge No. 528, I. O. O. F., and Lodge No. 28, A. O. U. W., in Arenzville. He is a Republican.

    (page 317-8, Perrin's History of Cass County, Illinois)